Monday, November 7, 2011

Muddy Buddy

On Sunday, after intermittent rain all weekend, Mr. Ball took six students to the annual Muddy Buddy race, a bike-run combination that requires partners to stay together and, especially this year, get dirty. Of course, it started raining at about 8:00 am and turned into a steady downpour by 9:00. Conditions were perfect...

Ryan, Sidney, Davis, Marcos, Mairin, and Juliana before the race. I usually don't like "before" pictures because they're so clean. In this case, that's exactly why I like it.

Davis on the final crawl.

Mairin and Juliana.

The boys after -- Davis and Marcos took 4th place in the Open Division; Ryan and Sidney took 3rd place in the under-18 division.

Mairin and Juliana took first in the under-18 division!