Rock climbing seems to be growing in popularity at Webb. Outdoor Activities, the after school group, continues to draw more people, and weekend trips are now available for everyone from beginner to advanced. Though Theme Week occupied most students, a couple of Webbies found time to head to New Jack City with Ms. Schnupp and Mr. Harris for some refining of technique. Special recognition should go to Kate, who demonstrated tremendous moxie by going even though she endured nine (yes nine!) blisters while trying to finish a route at the indoor gym last week. It was our last day, and she just wouldn't give up until she got it. Luckily, there is life after the indoor gym, as Kate and Alexandra found out. If you're inspired by these girls, sign up for the special overnight rock climbing trip this coming weekend.

Kate's determined to climb, no matter how many blisters she has.

Alex tackles her first climbing trip, and then sits back while Ms. Schnupp belays her.
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